Today I return to you
my friends, with the conclusion to the story of 'bone woman'.
As I left yesterday I took out, the big syringe. It was time for 'cleaning'. I must tell you, as beautiful as this girl was, it took all 125lbs of the precious creek water to get her adequately clean. The ass was caked closed, all but a toothpick could fit through the tiny exit chute. Like a Mexican plasterers rusty spatula, the stick I enlisted was deemed useless by completion.
It is now that I tell her she is ready. She tells me "Tukken tuk en tuk nukken". To my surprise she opens her smokey thighs. It is for this I reply "I will tuck my trunk in your nukken". She giggled and reached for the cock.
Her tiny vagina was waiting for me, on closer inspection it smelt of her ass. All of the waste I had cleared from the backdoor was now settled a top her muddy mound. I refused and instructed 'Jenny' to bring me another 100lbs of water. The towns creek was no more than 5 miles away.
I felt guilty using 4 days of the towns water to prepare the ass for my pleasure, but I tell you my friends, I was leaving in the morning!
She returned to the tent exhausted and weak, however I had been sleeping for the 7 hours she had been gone and clearly had enough energy for the two of us.
It was time to test my theory. I began in the ass and was everything Jean Francois had imagined. After several minutes she was still dry, this was my cue and that's all about it. I removed the cock and it is for this I held it before her face. She new the drill, ass to mouth, step one was complete. I don't know if it was the instincts or the single corn kernel but she sucked on the cock for almost 10 minutes. This was enough preparation to go back to the ass. Now, like a ski jump she perched her tiny ass skyward. I re-entered her atmosphere. The vagina still untouched, it's tears of wanton neglect were all the way to her knee.
Of course I went back to mouth again. And left the pussy yearning.
After her wonderful experience we slept with her ass as far from my face as possible. 19 years of bad hygiene cannot be instantly solved with 225lb's of creek water my friends.
The next morning the helicopter arrived to collect Jean Francois and return me to beautiful Monaco. As we lifted off I looked down and saw tiny Jenny running naked after the chopper. I waved and looked back at the tent and saw the village chief coming out holding the big syringe shaking his fist at Jean Francois! I laughed and got comfortable as the chopper turned into the sunrise.
It was lucky we were there when we were, I heard that the tiny town just outside of Rio was engulfed by a mudslide, due to a lack of water holding the creek banks. Everyone was buried alive. But Jean Francois sleeps at night knowing that a little naked native named 'Jenny' had ultimate pleasure before her demise and it is for this that I am very wonder about my next adventure!
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