Bonjour my friends. I have been away on a very dangerous adventure but I now return to you with stories of passion.
For me to tell you this story, it is for this my friends, it is for this. As you may know, Jean Francois has a penchant for native girls. To me, I find nothing more beautiful that a naked teen with 90lbs of fruit and water balanced a top of her head trudging up a muddy slope. I find this time very appropriate to feel the breast and ass.
One time while filming on location in a small town outside of Rio. I ordered room service to my flimsy see through tent. I was becoming changed when my 125lbs of water arrived. I said to the girl "you may rest" Of course I was completely naked and the cock was jutting from my waist like a water skiers tired arm. (a little to the left) She was a 19 year old naked native with a bone through her nose. On this night Jean Francois will add another bone to that pretty face.
In the candle light I could make out a name tag hanging form a viney necklace. It read Jenny. "Hello Jenny, I am Jean Francois". She was perfectly shaved and tanned and her tiny ass was like two drops of mercury meeting for the first time. Her waist would of been no more than 22 inches even at her height of 5'8". The tits were what I would call phenomenal with dark small nipples. She was physically perfect, with sinewy muscles and an tight virginal looking ass. Was ass to mouth popular in the jungle? I was about to discover the truth!
It was time for her to discover what the 125lbs of water was for.
I went to my suitcase and took out
the 'big' syringe.
She was now ready.
To be continued.........
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