Hello my friends. Today I come to you with some handy hints and tips to meet the woman of your dreams and perhaps your friends dreams so therefore they will be jealous and you will of course be closer to being not unlike Jean Francois, as an Alpha Male and that's all about it.
Sit with me now as I share with you these things.
Do you like the beautiful girls in the bikinis? Yes I'm sure you do, as of course I do. Jean Francois has slept with many many women so do not be afraid if as you read my scriptures that it occurs to you that I have in fact sodomized your wife, daughter, mother, girlfriend or perhaps even been inside the ass of your sister.
In the 175 years that Jean Francois has been cursed with this beauty he has many many stories and of course, the experiences of luring women into, or I should say onto, the cock of destiny.
Tip one:
Jean Francois is of course VERY confident that he can sleep with any woman he chooses. Women see this and understand it, in fact I believe the women can smell the confidence. So it is for this that women will sleep with me before their friends do so to speak. One way to do this is to go up to a group of women, select the least pretty of the bunch and show her much attention. Of course the prettier girls will not understand this as they generally receive all the attention. The unpretty girls are in fact placed in that group to serve a role and that role has been breached and it sends them into vagina DEFCON 4.
Talk to the poor ugly girl, ask her questions, recall, she will be quite unaccustomed to this and may appear stand offish, trust me, she is wetter than a sunken ships sink full of dirty dish water.
Do not anticipate to have the sex with this pigdog as you will soon learn that she is not 'hygienic' at this present time and has probably only shaved to her knees and elbows. What lies beneath those clothes besides the hideous underwear is something so hairy and pimpled that Jean Francois dose not dare imagine.
As you chat away, notice the body language of the prettier friends, perhaps not the prettiest as she is an idiot and then ask your tragic triumph to join you for a walk. This will of course give the other girls some time to discuss this completely out of the ordinary occurrence. Return no more than 10 minutes later, give the impression the girl talked about her friends and make eye contact with one that you would like to put the cock into, perhaps even brush her arm, make some kind of physical connection.
From here my friends you must make a decision, I suggest leaving the group. This will of course give them a chance to quiz the girl on what you discussed on your walk.
As a side note, this technique also works in many situations, including a bar and a out door music festival.
You may be asking yourself in turn asking "Jean Francois, why not just go up to the girl you like right off the bat"? It's quite simple, you are not Jean Francois my friends. This procedure takes all of 30 minutes and is well worth it and that's all about it.
I am