As I type here, believe me when I mention the seriousness of this topic. As my millions of fans are aware, Jean Francois has a perfectly groomed, strong, powerful cock that of course gives women the ultimate pleasure. This did not happen by accident my friends, I have been exercising and training the cock for many years and believe it or not, many of you have already been training your cocks and did not even know it! Also, many websites will charge you for this information, however all Jean Francois will charge you with is abuse if you don't use your new found inches for the good of mankind. As I collect my lab coat, sit with me now as I explain to you the cocksercise and these things.
Jelqing my friends is a centuries old technique to add genuine size to the man downstairs. It may come as girth, length or both, however jelqing requires a commitment of at least 15mins every other day.
The reason I suggest every other day is because like any exercise, your body requires a recovery period. Some people would suggest jelqing everyday, however you will limit growth over a long period and may in fact cause more harm than good. That being said, after an initial period you will develop more strength in the lap rocket.
Along with performing the following exercises I suggest drinking adequate amounts of water each day, minimum 1/2 gallon (2 liters) to ensure you are sufficiently hydrated. Taking a multivitamin, antioxidants including vitamins C and E are also ideal. I recommend at least 1000mgs of C and 500mg's of E. I also suggest taking an aspirin tablet the morning you are jelqing as this has a blood thinning effect and can therefore encourage even more blood into your junk. Last but not least, shaving the shaft will make the exercise easier.
The Jelq:
Get yourself some oil. Olive oil is fine. Almond oil is also good as it will absorb into your skin, but it is more expensive, however, can you put a price on having a giant sized cock? I suggest an oil over moisturizer or soap or shampoo as it is better for your skin with the friction you are about to inflict.
You should always warm up the cockle before you begin. This can be solved if you're jelqing in the shower by simply directing some water that way. I suggest if your in the shower to do some sideways hip movements to get it swinging from side to side, loosening the cock up. Do at least 30 side to siders my friends. If you're not doing this in the shower, get a warm towel and put it over the cock for a few minutes and then also do the side to siders.
You should notice your cock is now quite flaccid and pliable. (yes I said flaccid)This is no good. The cock should be 'semi- hard' for the jelq, around 60% is good. You can do this by fondling it a little, maybe just applying the oil will get some blood in there.
Now, as you can see from the picture at the top that is how you want your fingers and that's all about it. You should have oil on your hands and the cock should have oil on it from the base to the helmet. Now, having your pinky facing away from you place your fingers around the base of the cock with slight pressure. With your other hand ready slide your fingers up the cock, as you reach the top replace that hand with the other and repeat repeat repeat for, lets start with 50. (25 each hand) After the initial 50, do some more of those awesome side to siders, say another 20, to really fill it with blood. Repeat this whole process 4 times for a start of 200 jelqs along with the side swinging sweet thigh slappers. If you are starting to get harder than 60% do some more siders or just let it rest for a few moments. If the cock is too hard you may do some damage. If you do notice any inflamation or burst capillaries stop immediately and let the cock rest before resumming your jelqing routine.
You will notice even after your first session the cock seems 'fatter'. This should be motivation enough to continue this routine. A quick jelq prior to sex is also good to impress the lucky lady and for her to tell her friends of your enormous member. Perhaps even taking the antioxidants along with the aspirin 30 minutes prior to sex can aid in an erection. Jean Francois has some other products that he likes, you can perhaps email me for some supplements other than the ones I've mentioned that may in fact help the growth even further.
As a side note, Jean Francois has been performing these exercises for many years with no problems because Jean Francois is very conscious of the health of his cock do to the amount of ass he gets. The last thing I need is to not be able to perform because I was too vigorous in the shower. So realize that these are exercises and like any exercise should be done with caution and with long term results as the goal. Perhaps even keeping a diary and tape measure handy to record the growth. Jean Francois suggests you write it in code however and not "Cock size week 1 etc." as if this is stumbled upon you may make someone very wonder and find yourself with some explaining to do.
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