The reason I say 'your friends', is because if you are reading the scripture of Jean Francois then you are of course an alpha male and your sexuality was proven at the door and THAT is all about it. Jean Francois is a raging heterosexual and it is easy for him to spot these things without many wonders.
Now let me explain to you these things:
1. They know more than one mans phone number by heart
2. They don't have at least one photograph of them holding a dead animal
3. They have a calender in the garage that dose not have tits in it
4. They have mentioned clouds and have seen shapes in them
5. They use straws
6. They know the words to any coldplay song
7. They have never been slapped by a stripper
8. They think giving your dog pigs ears is 'icky'
9. They use change rooms
10. They appear confused when you mention a Dirty Sanchez
11. They have turned up to your home in a cycling outfit
12. They own a speedo
13. They have more than two girls numbers in their phone that they haven't fucked, or at least tried to.
14. Have never been beaten by a women. This generally follows the fucking of one of her friends. (Alpha male)
15. They have ever ordered a drink that resembles the one in the picture above
16. They don't know any swear words in another language
17. Have never tried to hit on your sister
18. They wear gloves when they work on the car
19. They know wear the laundry soap is
20. Have thought it was OK to sleep head to toe
These are some things that I have studied over many years my friends, In fact, if your friend cannot vouch for at least 10 of these things than he is of course a the gay.
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